Some of the most fascinating aspects are the rapid growth of the aeronautics field - and how it affected the business world, international politics (who can have the biggest, fastest planes with the most world records), research, and the distinctions among class and sex in society. There is also an enormous amount of information about preparing for the next war!
This is a winner from a sea plane race
Air Mail was a new concept and a big deal. Throughout the years there are articles on the flyers - including Lindbergh - the planes, routes, taxes, contracts, and so much more.... Ironically, today we are looking at getting rid of mail altogether!
It's only 1928 and already the various parts of the military are practicing for the next war...
Since Dorr Felt traveled around Europe there are also French newspapers, German postcards, and correspondence with European companies about the aeronautical technologies. Every minute I spend at the Loyola University Archives still fascinates me!
Sounds like a real treasure trove of information! Will you be making a digital collection from this material?